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lyftu neyðarsímaverksmiðju

From lyftu neyðarsímaverksmiðju

Utility Tunnel Neyðarsímar
Emergency telephones for utility tunnel purpose made of aluminium alloy material by die casting. The telephone waterproof is rugged and durable. Body-integral, Strong flame retardancy and low-temperature resistant. Special sealing design can ensure complete waterproof grade up to IP66. Waterproof, dustproof and moisture-resistant. The telephone waterproof widely used in tunnel and outdoor. Most metro and high-speed rail project need install IP66 telephone for emergency communication.

Model: CDU-AUX
Stærð: 492*302*185mm
Ambient Temperature: -40℃ to 50℃
Hlutfallslegur raki: 10% til 95%
Atmospheric Pressure: 80-110 kPa
Ambient Noise: ≤60dB
Operating Frequency: 300-3400 Hz
Sending Loudness Rating(SLR): 5- 15dB
Receiving Loudness Rating(RLR): -7-2dB
Side Tone Masking Rating(STMR): ≥7dB

Utility Tunnel Neyðarsímar


elevator emergency phone factory products
elevator emergency phone factory latest news
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SOS Emergency Hotline: A Lifeline in Times of Crisis

2023-12-26 LESTU MEIRA

In times of crisis, when one's life hangs by a thread, there is a beacon of hope that can be relied upon – the SOS emergency hotline. This invaluable service, available in many countries across the globe, has proven to...
Weather-Proof Telephone: Making Communication Possible in Any Weather Condition

2023-5-7 LESTU MEIRA

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Stay Connected in Any Weather with a Weatherproof Phone Box

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In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, staying connected is crucial for both personal and professional reasons. However, adverse weather conditions can often disrupt communication networks, leaving people feeling isolated and disconnected. To combat this issue, a weatherproof phone box has...
elevator emergency phone factory Industries
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