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IP símakerfi fyrir þjóðveg, öryggisbjörgun á mikilvægu augnabliki

Flokkun: fréttir Release Time: 2022-09-19 Pageviews:3609

When driving on the road, what is the most important thing is, of course, safety. In many of our families in China, everyone lives on long-distance transportation and spends almost every day on the road, life will not be guaranteed, and now people rely too much on electronic products, but in high-speed driving From time to time, electronic products may also appear unusable. Therefore, the IP phone system for highway plays a key role at this time.


For example, Mr. Wang, who makes a living by running long distances, does not leave his mobile phone when he goes out. But when he was in the tunnel, the mobile phone had no signal, especially in some remote places, the mobile phone didn’t seem to be of much use. When I went out, the road was relatively remote and it was night, and there was very little traffic, so when I was in a hurry, I thought of the highway IP phone. The main function of this highway IP telephone system is to make emergency calls without inserting a card. It makes up for the problem of no mobile phone signal.


So after making the rescue call, Mr. Wang felt relieved, and he felt very emotional. Even now with such developed communication technology, many emergency rescue methods still need to be remembered for a long time, because I don’t know when they will need it. used.
Therefore, it is also recommended for those who run long distances or go out to learn about the high-speed kilometer IP telephone system. He can make calls without a calling card, and he can’t go to the village or the store on the high-speed. time, used for emergency rescue. Knowing these calls can help you find solutions when you encounter problems, so you won’t be too anxious.

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