+86 19129355807


分類: 鉱山システム Release Time: 2022-05-27 Pageviews:8562

Mine telephone system is a modular expandable solution for emergency communications and designed for above ground and underground application. Our mining telephone system can help customers improve the production environment and strengthen information exchange if an emergency occurs in a mining area and an emergency evacuation is required. We can customize an emergency telephone system based on different project requirements.




前: なし
Enhance Communication in Your Home or Office with a Telephone Intercom System
Effective communication is critical in any setting, whether it's your home or office. In the absence of effective communication, misunderstandings...

2023-5-31 続きを読む

China’s Public Emergency Telephone System: Ensuring Safety and Swift Response

2023-10-2 続きを読む

Exploring the Safety and Reliability of Explosion-Proof Telephones
Introduction: Explosion-proof telephones are specialized communication devices designed to operate safely in hazardous environments. These environments include areas with the...

2023-8-11 続きを読む

中国電気通信: 防水電話で業界をリード
China Telecommunications は、革新的で耐久性に優れた防水携帯電話により、スマートフォン業界の主要企業として浮上しました。と...

2023-11-10 続きを読む


2022-10-7 続きを読む

OEM Industrial Telephone: A Reliable Communication Solution for Industrial Environments
In today's fast-paced and technologically advanced world, effective communication is crucial for the smooth running of any industry. The ability...

2023-8-14 続きを読む

屋外電話の究極ガイド: 利点、機能、適切なオプションの選択
はじめに: 屋外電話は、公園、ビーチ、ハイキング コース、遠隔地など、さまざまな環境で不可欠なコミュニケーション ツールです。

2023-8-17 続きを読む

Outdoor Emergency Call Box: A Lifesaving Device for Urgent Situations
When it comes to emergency situations, every second counts. The ability to call for help quickly and efficiently can make...

2023-6-23 続きを読む


2023-3-11 続きを読む

防爆電話機: 危険な環境での安全性を確保

2023-5-30 続きを読む