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Cabines telefônicas em rodovias: uma solução de comunicação que salva vidas

Classificação: notícia Release Time: 2023-04-23 Pageviews:1684

Call boxes on highways have become a critical communication solution for drivers in emergency situations. These boxes are strategically placed along highways to provide a means of communication for drivers who may be stranded or in need of assistance. The call boxes can be a lifesaving solution for those in need of help.


The call boxes are typically placed every mile or two on highways and are easily recognizable by their bright blue color. They are equipped with a phone that connects the driver with a dispatcher who can provide assistance. The dispatcher can send a tow truck, ambulance, police or any other assistance needed to the location of the driver.


The use of call boxes on highways has been credited with saving many lives. They provide a vital communication link for drivers who may be involved in accidents, have car trouble, run out of gas or find themselves in any other situation that requires assistance. By having a reliable communication solution, drivers can quickly receive help and avoid being stranded on the highway for extended periods.


The call boxes are also an important tool for law enforcement officials. They provide a means of communication for officers who may be working on the highway and need to call for backup or request assistance. The boxes can also be used to report any suspicious activity or accidents that may require a response.




In addition to providing a communication solution for drivers and law enforcement officials, the call boxes on highways also serve as a deterrent for crime. The presence of the call boxes can discourage potential criminals from committing crimes on the highway as they know that there is a means of communication available that can quickly bring assistance to the scene.


The call boxes on highways have evolved over the years to keep up with technological advancements. Some call boxes are now equipped with CCTV cameras that can provide a visual of the area around the box. This can be useful in determining the cause of accidents or identifying any suspicious activity.


In conclusion, call boxes on highways are a critical communication solution that plays a vital role in keeping drivers safe. They provide a lifeline for those in need of assistance and can be a lifesaving solution in emergency situations. The call boxes serve as a deterrent for crime and provide a means of communication for law enforcement officials. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that the call boxes on highways will continue to evolve to meet the changing needs of drivers and law enforcement officials.

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