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Телефон за хитне случајеве поред пута: спас за возаче у невољи

Класификација: вести Release Time: 2023-06-01 Pageviews:1503

The sight of an emergency roadside telephone is a welcome sight for drivers who have found themselves in a dangerous situation on the road. These phones, also known as call boxes, are an essential lifeline for drivers who need immediate assistance and are unable to call for help using their mobile phones due to poor signal or a dead battery.


Emergency roadside telephones are strategically placed along highways and major roads. They are usually situated at regular intervals, with the distance between each phone ranging from a few hundred meters to a few kilometers depending on the road conditions. The phones are easy to spot, thanks to their bright yellow color and the reflective strips placed on them.


The emergency phones are connected to a control center, which is manned by trained operators. When a driver calls the center, the operator will ask for the location of the phone and the nature of the problem. If necessary, the operator will dispatch emergency services such as the police, ambulance, or fire department to the location.


One of the main advantages of emergency roadside telephones is that they provide immediate assistance to drivers who are stranded on the road. This can be particularly important when there is no mobile phone coverage or when the driver\’s phone battery has died. In such situations, the driver may need to use the phone to call for help, especially if they have been involved in an accident or are experiencing a medical emergency.


Another advantage of emergency roadside telephones is that they enhance the safety of drivers on the road. In the event of an accident or a breakdown, drivers can use the phones to quickly alert the authorities and get the help they need. This can help to prevent further accidents or incidents, and also ensure that drivers receive prompt medical attention if necessary.




Emergency roadside telephones have been in use for many years, and they continue to play an important role in ensuring the safety of drivers on the road. Despite the widespread use of mobile phones, there are still many areas where mobile phone coverage is poor, or where drivers may have problems with their phones. In such situations, the emergency phones provide a crucial lifeline for drivers who need assistance.


In conclusion, emergency roadside telephones are an essential lifeline for drivers in distress. They provide immediate assistance to drivers who are stranded on the road, and they enhance the safety of drivers by enabling them to quickly alert the authorities in the event of an accident or breakdown. As such, the continued use and maintenance of these phones is crucial to ensuring the safety and well-being of drivers on the road.

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