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ОЕМ индустријски телефон

Кутија за хитне позиве у тунелу за комуналне услуге

The industrial telephone adopts aluminum alloy die-casting shell, which has high mechanical strength and strong impact resistance. Its appearance is sturdy and vandal-proof, and it can be divided into two-wire and SIP, network cable and other transmission methods. It can be used in complex application scenarios such as Utility Tunnel, railway, tunnel, etc.

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Telephone system: dual-tone multi-frequency;
Incoming call ringing signal light prompt;
Call connection time: ≤ 6S (non-blocking);
Maximum communication distance: 5km;
Graded rated sound pressure level intensity: ≥ 90dBA;
Audio range: 300Hz ~ 3400Hz;
Harmonic distortion: ≤ 5%;
Support wall-mounted and floor-standing;
DTMF call system;
Rated feed voltage: DC48V/DC24V;
Send/receive frequency response: comply with GB/T15279-2002;
Transmit Loudness Rating (SLR): 5 ~ 15dB;
Received Loudness Rating (RLR): -7 ~ 2dB;
Sidetone Masking Rating (STMR): ≥7dB;
The system has strong expansion compatibility and supports standard SIP 2.0 (RFC3261) and related RFC protocols;
Support one-key direct call dispatcher function;
Provide alarm, monitoring, intercom, broadcast functions;
Adopt advanced echo cancellation technology;
Optional G.729, G.723, G.711, G.722, G.726 and other speech coding methods;
Support static IP address modification, DNS domain name resolution;
Hands-free/replay/radio playback function;
It can be set through the WEB interface;
Online software upgrade;
Ringing pressure: ≥ 70dB(A);
Ambient temperature: -20℃ ~ +70℃;
Use relative humidity: 10% ~ 95%;
Power supply: AC220V;
Anti-static, waterproof, dust-proof, anti-corrosion sealed touch keys;
Dial keypad: 0 ~ 9 number keys, 3 function keys: tight call key, redial key, hang up key;
Off-hook automatic dialing, can be set to automatically dial the management center or emergency duty room;
Can manually dial out to 119/110 and other outside calls;
Amplifier output power: 30W;
Loudspeaker impedance: 8Ω;
Protection class: IP66;
Dimensions: 319.5×219.5x129mm;
Weight: 3.5Kg;

Кутија за хитне позиве у тунелу за комуналне услуге


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