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Центар за производе

stainless steel telephones

Emergency Weatherproof Analogue Telephone


The Emergency Weatherproof Analogue Telephone is a device that has been designed to assist in emergency situations where communication is...
Неломљиви телефон са оклопним каблом од нерђајућег челика – отпоран на вандализам и издржљив


Свет у коме живимо може бити сурово и непредвидиво место, а понекад нам је потребно да имамо алате који...
Emergency Roadside Telephone: A Lifeline for Drivers in Need


Introduction   Driving can be an exciting and liberating experience, but it can also be fraught with danger. Despite our...
Robust and Reliable: The Industrial Rugged Telephone for Tough Environments


In today's modern world, communication is essential for businesses to operate efficiently. Whether it's relaying important information to colleagues or...