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Кутија за хитне позиве у тунелу за комуналне услуге: Осигуравање сигурности у подземним подручјима

Класификација: вести Време објављивања: 2023-05-05 Pageviews:1876



Utility tunnels are essential infrastructure that facilitates the movement of essential services such as electricity, water, gas, and telecommunications. They are mostly underground pathways connecting various service points and important buildings. While these tunnels play a critical role in ensuring continuous service delivery, they can also pose significant risks to the safety and security of people working in and around them. To mitigate these risks, Utility Tunnel Emergency Call Boxes (UTECBs) have been installed in various locations within the tunnels. This paper discusses the importance of UTECBs in ensuring safety and security in underground areas.




Utility tunnels are not only used to connect services but also as storage spaces for hazardous materials. As such, there is a high risk of accidents such as gas leaks, fires, and chemical spills that can cause harm to those working in and around the tunnels. Additionally, underground areas are susceptible to crime and other security breaches. This is because it is difficult to monitor and secure such areas, making them attractive targets for criminals. In light of these risks, there is a need for effective emergency response mechanisms to ensure the safety and security of people working in and around utility tunnels.


Utility Tunnel Emergency Call Boxes


Utility Tunnel Emergency Call Boxes (UTECBs) are designed to provide a quick and effective response to emergency situations in underground areas. They are strategically placed along the tunnels to ensure that they are easily accessible in the event of an emergency. UTECBs come equipped with various features that make them effective in ensuring safety and security in underground areas. These features include:


1. Emergency Communication


UTECBs are equipped with communication devices that allow people to report emergencies quickly. They can be connected to emergency services, security personnel, or other relevant parties. This ensures that help is dispatched promptly, reducing the risk of harm to those in the area.


2. Alarm Systems


UTECBs are also equipped with alarms that can be activated in the event of an emergency. This alerts nearby personnel and emergency services, enabling them to respond quickly.


3. Video Surveillance


Some UTECBs are equipped with video surveillance cameras that can capture footage of any incidents occurring in the area. This can be useful in identifying perpetrators and gathering evidence in the event of a crime.




4. Lighting


UTECBs are equipped with lighting systems that provide adequate illumination in the tunnels. This ensures that emergency responders can see clearly in the event of an emergency.


5. Environmental Sensors


Some UTECBs are equipped with environmental sensors that detect hazardous conditions such as gas leaks, fires, or chemical spills. This enables emergency responders to take appropriate action to mitigate the risk to those in the area.




Utility Tunnel Emergency Call Boxes (UTECBs) play a critical role in ensuring safety and security in underground areas. They provide a quick and effective response to emergency situations, reducing the risk of harm to those working in and around the tunnels. The features of UTECBs such as emergency communication, alarm systems, video surveillance, lighting, and environmental sensors make them effective in mitigating the risks associated with underground areas. As such, UTECBs are essential infrastructure that should be installed in all utility tunnels to ensure the safety and security of those who use them.

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