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Водоотпорна тастатура Јавни телефон за хитне случајеве

Класификација: вести Release Time: 2023-05-03 Pageviews:1805



Waterproof keypad public emergency telephones are special types of communication devices that are designed to be installed in public spaces to provide emergency communication services. They are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions such as rain, dust, and humidity, making them ideal for use in outdoor areas. These telephones are also built with vandal-resistant features to ensure their durability and longevity.




The waterproof keypad public emergency telephone comes with several features that make it unique and useful. One of the features is the waterproof keypad, which ensures that the device can be used even in wet conditions. The device is also equipped with a powerful speaker and microphone that can transmit high-quality sound over a long distance. This feature is essential in emergency situations where communication between the caller and the responder needs to be clear and concise.


Another feature of these telephones is their compatibility with various communication systems. They can be connected to different networks, including landline, cellular, and VoIP. This versatility ensures that the device can be used in any location, and emergency responders can be reached as quickly as possible.


The telephones also come with a variety of mounting options, making them easy to install on walls, poles, or any other flat surface. They are also equipped with a variety of security features, including tamper-proof screws, which prevent unauthorized access to the device.






The waterproof keypad public emergency telephone provides several benefits to the public, particularly in emergency situations. For one, it provides a reliable means of communication, which is crucial in emergency situations. It ensures that emergency responders can be reached quickly and easily, and that they are given accurate information about the situation.


Another benefit of these telephones is that they provide a sense of security to the public. Knowing that there is a reliable means of communication in case of an emergency can give people peace of mind and make them feel safer.


The waterproof keypad public emergency telephone is also cost-effective. It is a one-time investment that requires minimal maintenance, making it a cost-effective solution for providing emergency communication services.




The waterproof keypad public emergency telephone is a vital communication device that provides emergency communication services to the public. It is durable, versatile, and easy to install, making it an ideal solution for public spaces. With its high-quality sound transmission, tamper-proof features, and compatibility with various communication systems, the waterproof keypad public emergency telephone is a reliable and cost-effective means of providing emergency communication services.

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