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Cabines d'appel sur autoroute : une bouée de sauvetage pour les conducteurs

Classification: nouvelles Release Time: 2023-04-24 Pageviews:1500

Highway call boxes have been an essential feature of roadways since the 1970s. They provide a lifeline for drivers in case of emergencies, breakdowns, or accidents. The call boxes are strategically placed along highways to ensure that drivers can easily access them in times of need.


The call boxes are usually located at intervals of one mile or less, depending on the specific roadway. They are typically placed on the right-hand side of the highway, and they are easily visible from the roadway. The boxes are often painted a bright color, such as yellow, to make them stand out.


The call boxes are typically operated using a push-button system. When a driver presses the button, they are connected to a call center, which is staffed by trained operators who can provide assistance. The operator will ask the driver for their location and the nature of their emergency. They will then dispatch the appropriate emergency services, such as tow trucks, ambulances, or law enforcement, as needed.


In addition to providing emergency assistance, call boxes also provide a useful tool for drivers to get information about road conditions, traffic, and weather. The call center operators can provide advice on the best routes to take, as well as tips for driving in inclement weather.


One of the biggest advantages of highway call boxes is that they are always available, even in areas with poor cell phone coverage. This is particularly important in rural areas, where drivers may be far from the nearest town or service station. In such cases, a call box can be a lifesaver.


Another advantage of call boxes is that they are relatively inexpensive to maintain. They require very little in the way of maintenance and can last for many years with minimal upkeep. This makes them an attractive option for highway departments looking to provide a cost-effective solution for emergency assistance.



While highway call boxes are a valuable resource for drivers, they are not without their limitations. One of the biggest challenges is keeping them operational in areas with extreme weather conditions. Snow, ice, and heavy rain can damage the electronics and make it difficult for drivers to use the system.


Another challenge is keeping the call boxes safe from vandalism and theft. Call boxes are sometimes targeted by thieves who steal the electronics or damage the system. This can make it difficult for highway departments to keep the call boxes operational and can be costly to repair.


Despite these challenges, highway call boxes remain an essential tool for drivers. They provide a rapid response to emergencies and can be a lifesaver in difficult situations. As long as they are properly maintained and protected, call boxes will continue to provide a vital service to drivers for many years to come.

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