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Индустријски телефон: аналогни ИП65 водоотпорни телефон на отвореном у жутој боји за комуникацију отпорну на временске услове

Класификација: вести Release Time: 2023-05-30 Pageviews:2153

In industrial settings, communication is critical to ensure safety, efficiency, and productivity. However, harsh environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures, moisture, dust, and chemical exposure can damage communication equipment and compromise its functionality. That is why industrial telephones are essential for reliable and durable communication in challenging environments.


One such industrial telephone is the analogue IP65 outdoor waterproof phone in yellow, designed for weatherproof communication. This phone is equipped with advanced features that make it suitable for use in various industrial applications, including factories, warehouses, mines, oil rigs, and other challenging environments.


The most notable feature of this industrial telephone is its IP65 rating, which means it is resistant to water and dust ingress. The phone’s robust construction and sealed design make it suitable for outdoor and indoor use, even in harsh conditions. The yellow color of the phone adds to its visibility, making it easier to locate in low light or emergency situations.


The analogue IP65 outdoor waterproof phone also features a programmable keypad that allows users to dial emergency numbers quickly and easily. The keypad is backlit, making it visible in low light conditions. Additionally, the phone’s receiver is also equipped with a volume control feature, allowing users to adjust the volume based on their environment’s noise level.


The phone’s rugged design and materials make it suitable for use in extreme temperatures, ranging from -40°C to +60°C. This temperature range makes it ideal for use in both cold and hot environments. Furthermore, the phone’s materials are resistant to UV radiation, ensuring that the yellow color remains vibrant for an extended period.




The analogue IP65 outdoor waterproof phone also comes with a built-in microphone and speaker that produce clear and loud sound. This feature is essential in noisy environments, where communication can be challenging. The phone’s microphone can pick up sounds from a distance, making it easier for users to communicate without having to move closer.


In conclusion, the analogue IP65 outdoor waterproof phone in yellow is an essential communication tool for industrial settings. Its robust construction, waterproofing, backlit keypad, volume control, temperature resistance, UV radiation resistance, and clear sound make it suitable for use in various challenging environments. Its yellow color adds to its visibility, making it easier to locate in low light or emergency situations. Overall, this industrial telephone is a reliable and durable solution for weatherproof communication in hazardous industrial environments.

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