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هاتف IP65 الخارجي عبر بروتوكول الإنترنت: حل اتصالات متين ومقاوم للعوامل الجوية

تصنيف: الإخبارية Release Time: 2023-10-19 Pageviews:1182

Having reliable communication tools is essential. Whether it’s for personal or business use, having a communication solution that can withstand various weather conditions is crucial. The IP65 Outdoor VoIP Telephone is an excellent choice for those who require a durable and weatherproof communication device.


The IP65 Outdoor VoIP Telephone is specifically designed to withstand harsh outdoor environments. With an IP65 rating, it is completely protected against dust and low-pressure water jets from any direction. This makes it ideal for outdoor areas such as parking lots, construction sites, and industrial facilities where the weather can prove to be a challenge for communication devices.


One of the key features of the IP65 Outdoor VoIP Telephone is its durability. Built with robust materials, it can withstand extreme temperature variations, ranging from -20°C to 60°C. This ensures that the device can operate seamlessly in both freezing cold winters and scorching hot summers. Additionally, the telephone is resistant to impact and vandalism, making it a reliable choice even in high-risk areas.


ال IP65 Outdoor VoIP Telephone is equipped with advanced VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology, allowing users to make calls over an internet connection. This not only provides high-quality audio but also offers cost savings compared to traditional telephone systems. With the ability to connect to an existing IP network, it is easy to integrate this telephone into an existing communication infrastructure.


The telephone is also equipped with a range of features that enhance its functionality and usability. It has a built-in microphone and speaker, allowing for clear and hands-free communication. The keypad is backlit, making it easy to use even in low-light conditions. Additionally, the telephone supports programmable speed dial buttons, enabling quick and convenient access to frequently dialed numbers.


Installation of the IP65 Outdoor VoIP Telephone is straightforward. It can be mounted on a wall or pole, allowing for flexibility in positioning. The telephone is also equipped with a robust cabling system that ensures reliable connectivity. With its simple and user-friendly interface, the telephone can be easily configured to meet specific requirements.




When it comes to maintaining the IP65 Outdoor VoIP Telephone, minimal effort is required. The device is designed to be self-cleaning, ensuring that any dust or debris is removed from the microphone and speaker grille. It is also resistant to UV radiation, preventing any discoloration or damage caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. These features make the telephone a low-maintenance and long-lasting communication solution.


ال IP65 Outdoor VoIP Telephone is a durable and weatherproof communication solution that offers reliable connectivity in outdoor environments. With its robust construction and advanced VoIP technology, it is capable of withstanding various weather conditions while providing high-quality audio. Whether used in parking lots, construction sites, or industrial facilities, this telephone is a reliable choice for all communication needs.

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