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Ljósleiðara símakerfi

Flokkun: Gagnakerfi veitu Release Time: 2022-05-11 Pageviews:16233

Það bætir teygjanleika netsins til muna og allir bilunarpunktar munu ekki hafa nein áhrif á núverandi net. Á sama tíma er hvert hringanet óháð hvert öðru og hefur ekki áhrif á hvert annað.

It has the characteristics of linking self-healing and self-recovery to ensure the stability of data transmission of remote equipment maintenance systems.

It has the characteristics of fast networking, flexible networking, and easy maintenance. Make it easier to use.

The protection link is blocked at both ends, double insurance, and the failure of the main control node will not lead to the paralysis of the entire ring network.


Ljósleiðara símakerfi

Fyrri: enginn
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