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SOS Neyðarsími
SOS Neyðarsími
SOS Neyðarsími
SOS Neyðarsími

SOS Neyðarsími

This SOS emergency handsfree telephone is a telephone that specifically addresses of indoor industry. The telephone is rugged and durable and the pecial sealing design can ensure smooth operation, dustproof and moisture-resistant, which makes it can be used in most tunnel, airport, subway and bus station for emergency communication.

 The SOS emergency telephone use rolled steel as the raw material for the weatherproof enclosure, and the exterior is strong and has an explosion proof effect. OEM and ODM is also available.

fáðu tilboð
Size: 520*300*177mm
Output Voltage: 12V
transport protocol: VOIP/SIP
MTBF: 100000 hours
Stand-by power: <3W
Ambient Temperature: -40℃ to 50℃
Hlutfallslegur raki: 10% til 95%
Atmospheric Pressure: 80-110 kPa
Ambient Noise: ≤60dB
Operating Frequency: 300-3400 Hz
Sending Loudness Rating(SLR): 5- 15dB
Receiving Loudness Rating(RLR): -7-2dB
Side Tone Masking Rating(STMR): ≥7dB

This product: SOS Emergency telephone

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