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IP sími Sími með snúru

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Have you ever used a landline phone in your home? Know how he uses it? IP telephone Corded telephones receive power directly from the wires that connect them to the telephone network. So there’s no need to replace the power source or worry about whether your phone will work when the power goes out in a disaster. In fact, quite a few organizations have some IP telephones, just to keep them connected during any disaster.

Power considerations for IP telephony don’t end with just the fact that you’ve connected individual devices to a power source. Considering the need for external power, business phone systems are in very real danger without an external power source. This isn’t a problem when businesses use older landlines. But power requirements for IP telephony are a real concern when it comes to disaster management and business continuity planning.

The voice of the IP phone is transmitted using the IP data network based on router/packet switching. Because the “store-and-forward” method is adopted to transmit data packets in the Internet, it does not occupy the circuit exclusively, and the voice signal is greatly compressed.

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