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Hvaða eiginleika ætti minn fyrrverandi sönnunarsími að hafa?

Flokkun: fréttir Release Time: 2022-08-17 Pageviews:4181

An explosion-proof phone is literally a communication device that can prevent explosions. Such communication equipment is generally used in relatively harsh environments, can have independent use characteristics, and can bring certain help to on-site production. The more common application scenario is in the mine.

Then the explosion-proof telephone used in the mine should have those characteristics
1. Easy to install
In real life, the use of fixed telephones has gradually withdrawn from the historical stage, but it does not mean that he has no corresponding use value in other fields. Especially in special environments like mines, network signals are no longer a reliable source of communication, but explosion-proof phones have played a huge role. Therefore, one of the first features he must have is that it is easy to install, and the erection speed is fast enough. It does not need an external Daiyuan, and a dedicated battery is used for power supply, and the communication function can be realized.



2. Light weight and small size
The working environment in the mine can be said to be developed by people with great effort, and manpower cannot create a very spacious and comfortable working area in a limited space. There is enough space to install explosion-proof phones, so the products need to have the characteristics of small size and light weight, which can be installed and used in a certain space.

3. Amplified call, with intercom function
The mine work is underground, and the distance of sight and sound transmission is limited, and the amplified call and intercom function of fyrrverandi sönnunarsími realize short-distance information transmission, and at the same time, it does not depend on the problem of signals, and can be timely. of delivering useful information.



4. Independent communication system
The independent communication system refers to the realization of the communication function of multiple ex-proof  Telephones without the use of switches in the mine.

5. Moisture and dustproof properties
In an environment like a mine, humidity and dust are the basic characteristics, so if you want to be an explosion-proof phone that can be used in a mine, you must have good moisture resistance and super dust-proof characteristics.

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