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Điện thoại IP Điện thoại có dây

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Đối tác lâu dài
Trường hợp khách hàng

IP (Internet Protocol) telephone and corded telephone are two different types of telephone systems.

IP telephone, also known as VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone, is a digital telephone that uses the internet to transmit voice data. It converts the analog voice signal into digital data and sends it over the internet to the receiver. IP phones usually require an Ethernet connection and a power source to function, and they can be used with various types of software and apps.

On the other hand, a corded telephone is a traditional analog phone that is connected to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) using a physical cord. Corded telephones use electrical signals to transmit voice data over a pair of copper wires. They don’t require any power source as they get their power from the phone line. Corded telephones are generally more reliable and provide better call quality than IP phones, but they lack the advanced features and flexibility of IP phones.

In summary, IP phones are digital telephones that use the internet to transmit voice data, while corded telephones are traditional analog phones that are connected to the PSTN using a physical cord. Each type of telephone has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between the two will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the user.

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